Bath is a very pretty town - you can easily imagine the characters from a Jane Austen novel walking around in the cobbled stone streets.
One of the things that we were told that we had to try was the Sally Lunn buns. There are many tea rooms in Bath, but Sally Lunn has the 'honour' of being the oldest house in Bath.
Sally Lunn's is very much geared towards the tourist trade - a staff member promptly greets you at the door, and ushers you to a table. Despite the tourists, SL appears to be also popular with the locals.
Inside, it's like visiting an old person's home...matching tablecloths, fake flowers, dimly lit, a bit cramped in space, and even though I'm sure the place was clean, you couldn't help but think that there was a bit of dust about.
Having no idea what a Sally Lunn bun was, we were very disappointed to discover that it's just a big bread bun (very similar to a bap roll that you'd get from Bakers' Delight or Woolies) that's been lightly toasted and smothered with a topping of your choice.
For me, I went with the lemon curd. The curd was nice - lemony and not too sweet or tart. But really, there isn't much more I could say about it.
The Lawyer went for the melted chocolate - or more accurately, Nutella. Once again, not more you can say about it - it's just a bread roll with Nutella.
I guess in the late 1600s that a Sally Lunn bun would have been considered special, as white flour and sugar would have been more valuable than what they are considered to be nowadays.
On the up side, the tea and coffee that came with the buns were strong in flavour and pretty good quality.
A Sally Lunn bun is quite overpriced for what it actually is - that is, a half a big dinner roll with some jam and cream. Aside from the novelty of saying that you went to Sally Lunn's, I'd recommend that if you're in Bath that you try one of the many other tea rooms.
Sally Lunns
4 North Parade Passage
Bath BA1 1NX
Telephone: +44 (0)1225 461 634
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