Saturday, January 7, 2012

Pappa Roti, Glen Waverley by Bureaucrat

Since coming back to Oz, there's been a few new food chains set up around Glen Waverley. One of them is Pappa Roti. I've been sort of curious about PR, especially since both Ms W and Ms E have said that the buns there are delicious. Everytime I walked past the stall, I could see the staff making the buns and you get a very enticing coffee-bakery aroma.

So for a snackrafice one day, the Lawyer and I decided to get try these highly-praised buns. We were a bit perplexed when it came to ordering these buns. I had assumed that PR sold a range of baked goods. But in fact, they only sold one type of bun - a coffee flavoured bun and nothing else.

By this stage I was dubious as to whether the esteemed bun would live up to my expectations. We had a bit of a chuckle over Pappa Roti's byline of "the father of all buns". It also has another byline of "one bite, different expressions". In our case, the expression was 'huh?'.

Still warm from the oven, the bun has a crumbly/crunchy 'topping', which tasted like coffee. Inside, it has melted margarine. After taking a bite, the Lawyer and I weren't quite sure what the big deal about PR buns.

In many regards, a PR bun is like a pineapple bun but with a hint of coffee flavour and that bit of melted marge. I'd much rather have a pineapple bun that you can get for $1.50 from Bread Top than a Pappa Roti bun (which costs $2.60).

Food - 6
Service - 6
Ambience - 6
Price - 6

Not sure what the fuss is about. If you're in a need for a bakery good, go for something at Bread Top. At least at Bread Top there's a range of baked goods to choose from.

Pappa Roti
105 Kingsway
Glen Waverley 3150
Telephone: 9562 1668

Pappa Roti on Urbanspoon


  1. I originally added these guys to Urbanspoon, but have yet to try them out myself.

    Funnily enough, I noticed another Pappa Roti store has opened in Springvale, at 29B Buckingham Avenue.

    Will have to give them a try next time I'm out there.

  2. There's a few popping up around town. Big Fil says there's one near Melbourne Central.

  3. Put me down in the fan category, for the texture of the bun as much as anything.


  4. Bureaucrat, there's one on Elizabeth street opposite Melbourne Central...not far from ANZ bank.

  5. thanks, chewy. but i'm currently stuffing my face with a chocolate ganache bun from bread top ;)


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